Some time ago a found an article that draw my attention and I would like to share it with you. Angel has diabetes and when we first started going out together I had the need to search more about diabetes. I found out very interesting things and very helpful ones as well, like on how to deal with a crisis. I also went to his doctor with him once to get to know her and for her to advise me and give me tips about his condition and I learned a great deal. I left there a little frightened, though because she mentioned a lot the worse things that could happen if Angel does not take care. More recently, and as we are now living together and I have the constant need to search for updated information, I found an article that I would like to share. Here it goes:
Top 5 Diabetes Diet Tips for Creating Healthy Meal Plan
by Nishanth Reddy
Diet plays a key role in controlling your blood sugar. A healthy-eating plan tailored to your needs will do that and more. Majority of people affected with diabetes are overweight or obese. In fact, your risk of getting diabetes increases the more weight you put on.
So controlling your diet can be the key to reducing the risk of diabetes as well as improving your symptoms if you are already affected by this disease people often refer to as "the silent killer."
Everybody knows that maintaining a good diet is a healthy choice for every person. But for diabetes patients, this statement means something more significant than the recent fad over healthy living.For diabetes patients, having a healthy diet means eating in a way that reduces the risk for complications that are commonly associated with their conditions, including heart disease and stroke. For them, a healthy diet could mean the difference between die-abetes and live-abetes.Eating healthy involves eating a wide variety of foods that encompasses the whole diet spectrum of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, non-fat dairy products, beans, lean meats, poultry, and fish.No, you do not have to eat all of that, but a little bit of this and that enough to balance the three basic food groups (Go, Grow, and Glow) is what you should aim for.
Tip #1: Preparing a Meal PlanWhen you go on a diabetes diet, the first things you need to do is to prepare a meal plan. This will serve as your guide to how much and what kinds of food you can choose to eat at meals, and even at snack times if you wish to include that.Now, be sure that your meal plan fits in with your schedule and eating habits. That way you will not be likely to ruin your diet simply because your work schedule conflicts with your meal schedule.Keep in mind your end-goal: To keep your blood glucose in levels that are easy enough to maintain.In addition to that somewhat myopic diet goal for diabetes, you also want to follow a meal plan that will help you improve your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as keep your weight on track.All these - blood pressure, cholesterol and weight - are factors that contribute to the worsening of your diabetes symptoms, so controlling them could very well mean controlling your diabetes.When preparing a meal plan, be sure to balance uptake and down take - that is, food and exercise, respectively. Additionally, your doctor may have prescribed you with insulin or oral medications to help you manage your condition.Take those medications into account as well when you plan your meal plan, making sure that the food is balanced with the drugs. The whole thing sounds like it's a lot of work but with a few suggestions from your physician and/or dietician you can start building a meal plan that is best for you and your condition.
Summary:If you've never attempted to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet before your diabetes diagnosis, it can be difficult to know where to get started. Try these diabetes tips, as the right food choices will help you control your blood sugar level.About the AuthorNishanth Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related website. Visit his website for more information on diabetes, including symptoms, diet, child diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and diabetes prevention.
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