I like to read a lot but as I spend most of my day in from of the computer I’ve decided to take five minutes of my day to find out and read some interesting blogs. That was when I found out
Pay Per Post so I’ve signed up. It was a long time ago and I did it because I found it a very interesting way of earning Money while writing about what we love. First I was not able to start writing to them cause I had my blog for less than three months. I’ve decided to wait while writing articles that could be of interest not only for me but also for others, not forgetting my personal issues. Well, things got complicated in my life I got sick for a long time not being able to do my normal life and not having the wills to write about anything. After that I started to feel better and visited
Pay Per Post but as I did not write anything for a long time I had not enough posts to be eligible. But still I did not give up. I searched a lot of information about people writing for
Pay Per Post and realized that all of them had two things in common… first, they all loved to write and second, they all were very happy with
Pay Per Post. So I’ve decided to start writing when I could about issues that I’m fond of and here I am with my first post as a member of
Pay Per Post. I hope that I can meet a lot of interesting pay per posties and I really hope that my b log can be an interesting one forsome of them too.

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